Dictionary is a collection of keys and values.
Retrieving a value by using its key is very fast because the Dictionary class is implemented as a hash table.
Dictionary<string, string> accesCode = new Dictionary<string, string>();
accesCode.Add("AAA", "PERSON 1");
accesCode.Add("BBB", "PERSON 2");
accesCode.Add("CCC", "PERSON 3");
string code = "";
accesCode.TryGetValue("xxx", out code); // code = null
accesCode.TryGetValue("CCC", out code); // code = PERSON 3
if (!accesCode.ContainsKey("DDD"))
accesCode.Add("DDD", "PERSON 4");
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in accesCode)
MessageBox.Show(kvp.Key + kvp.Value);