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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

How to add HyperLink Column to Telerik RadGrid Code Behind

Telerik > RadGrid > GridHyperLinkColumn

Each row in a Hyperlink column will contain a predefined hyperlink. This link is not the same for the whole column and can be defined for each row individually.

DataNavigateUrlFields: Gets or sets a string, representing a comma-separated enumeration of DataFields from the data source, which will form the url of the windwow/frame that the hyperlink will target.

DataNavigateUrlFormatString: Gets or sets a string, representing a comma-separated enumeration of DataFields from the data source, which will form the url of the windwow/frame that the hyperlink will target.
Add hyperlink column to RadGrid programmatically

RadGrid grd = new RadGrid();
GridHyperLinkColumn linkColumn = new GridHyperLinkColumn();
string[] fld = { "id" };
linkColumn.DataNavigateUrlFields = fld;
linkColumn.DataNavigateUrlFormatString = "Default.aspx?ID={0}";
linkColumn.HeaderText = "Id";