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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Duplicate rows SQL Server

SQL Server > Scripts > Duplicate rows SQL Server

Here is a script to find number of duplicate rows in SQL Server


       id     int ,
       name   varchar(50)
INSERT INTO tbl1 values  (1,'john'), (2,'dan') , (1,'john')
  count(name) 'Number of duplicate rows'
  count(name) > 1

id Number of duplicate rows
1 2


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

send fax C#

Send fax C# using using FAXCOMLib;

public void SendFax(string DocumentName, string FileName, string RecipientName, string FaxNumber)
         FAXCOMLib.FaxServer faxServer = new FAXCOMLib.FaxServerClass();
         FAXCOMLib.FaxDoc faxDoc = (FAXCOMLib.FaxDoc)faxServer.CreateDocument(FileName);
         faxDoc.RecipientName = RecipientName;
         faxDoc.FaxNumber = FaxNumber;
         faxDoc.Tsid = "Fax";
         faxDoc.DisplayName = DocumentName;
         int Response = faxDoc.Send();


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Get windows temporary path c#

C# > Files > GetTempPath

GetTempPath retrieves the path of the directory designated for temporary files.

Order to check for the existence of environment variables:
  1. TMP environment variable.
  2. TEMP environment variable.
  3. USERPROFILE environment variable.
  4. Windows directory.

String tempPath = System.IO.Path.GetTempPath();

FRM-40654: Record has been updated by another user

Oracle > dml_data_target_name

FRM-40654: Record has been updated by another user

The case that I had was i changed the query of 1 database block dynamically use set_block_property(’BLOCK1′,Query_Data_Source_Name,’TABLE_X’). This BLOCK1 previously assign to TABLE_A. TABLE_X and TABLE_A has same fields structure.


As summary, my form blocks condition were like this :


use set_block_property on pre_query trigger to change the query_data_source_name to TABLE_X.

Everything looks fine when i load the form, but when i tried to change the field value, it gave me this form error FRM-40654. I search around in Google and only can found several peoples face the same frm-40654 but in different situation.


Friday, January 15, 2010

Rename Microsoft Access Table

VB 6 > DAO > Rename table

(Used DAO 3.6 as reference.)

Public Sub rentbl()
  Dim dbSS As Database
  Dim strDbName As String
  strDbName = "c:\temp\test.mdb"
  Set dbSS = OpenDatabase(strDbName)
  dbSS.TableDefs("R2").Name = "Org_R2"
  Set dbSS = Nothing
End Sub

Monday, January 4, 2010

Introduction to the C#

Home page
“Introduction to C# Programming Language”,
created by Rich Tebb from Content Master Ltd Company and available at the MSDN web site (Microsoft Developer Network), is an easy and fun way to get started with C# language. Basically, this introductory lesson is a combination of written text and video, and covers the initial concepts about developing applications on C#. The approach of the lesson is to present computer programming as a fun activity, in which you can find satisfaction.
You can either take this lesson on-line from the MSDN web page, or you can download it to your computer, so you don’t need to be connected during your study time.
When you download and install this lesson, one new folder and one new subfolder will be created. The main folder, named “Introduction to CSharp Programming Language” will be created with the following three files:
1. “Introduction to CSharp.wmv”, a 23 minute Windows Media Video file containing the lesson in video format;
2. “Introduction to CSharp.doc”, a 26-page Microsoft Word document with the written lesson;
3. “”, a Rich Text Format document containing license information;
The subfolder named “My First Application CSharp”, will contain some auxiliary files needed to execute the practice proposed by the lesson.
You will find four lessons within the document:
1. Lesson 1: Your First ‘Hello World’ Program: initiation program to write a message on the screen.
2. Lesson 2: Using Methods and Variables.
3. Lesson 3: Controlling Program Flow: to learn how to control the sequence of tasks performed by the program.
4. Lesson 4: Creating Your Own Classes: to learn how to work with this type of code containers.
The text is accompanied by images showing the programming process and written code. This lesson is the best way to begin studying C# language, and also the less time consuming one. After taking this lesson, you can go on and take the “Absolute Beginner’s Series C# Series” course, a collection of fifteen lessons available also at MSDN. The course provides a deeper introduction to C# language, and is oriented to people interested in designing and building Windows based applications. If you’re reading this, it’s pretty sure that you’re one of those people.
Back to the lesson description, we should mention that it is available for free for anyone who’s eager to learn but there is one prerequisite: Visual C# 2005 Express Edition, another lesson available at MSDN web page. Besides, this lesson assumes that you have basic knowledge about using a computer, such as starting a program and browse your computer with Windows Explorer.

Remove list items Oracle Forms

Oracle > Forms > List > Remove

How to remove items from  Oracle Forms list?

"Ctrl + Shift + >" - add list element.
"Ctrl + Shift + <" - remove list element.

Connection Strings

Database > Connection Strings

.NET Framework Data Provider for SQL Server
Data Source=myServerAddress;Initial Catalog=myDataBase;User Id=myUsername;Password=myPassword;

Microsoft Jet OLE DB 4.0
Microsoft Access
Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=db.mdb;Jet OLEDB:Database Password=password;

Microsoft Excel
Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\MyExcel.xls;Extended Properties="Excel 8.0;HDR=Yes;IMEX=1";

Text File
Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=c:\txtFilesFolder\;Extended Properties="text;HDR=Yes;FMT=Delimited";

MySQL Connector/Net
