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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Check User Has Write Permission on Folder C#

C# > Files > DirectoryGetAccessControl

GetAccessControl: returns the Windows access control list (ACL) for a directory
GetAccessRules: gets a collection of the access rules associated with the specified security identifier

Example: check write permission on folder

public static bool HasWritePermission(string dir)
            bool Allow = false;
            bool Deny = false;
            DirectorySecurity  acl = null;
                acl = Directory.GetAccessControl(dir);
            catch (System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException)
                throw new Exception("DirectoryNotFoundException");
            if (acl == null)
                return false;
            AuthorizationRuleCollection  arc = acl.GetAccessRules(true, true, typeof(System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier));
            if (arc == null)
                return false;
            foreach (FileSystemAccessRule rule in arc)
                if ((FileSystemRights.Write & rule.FileSystemRights) != FileSystemRights.Write)
                if (rule.AccessControlType == AccessControlType.Allow)
                    Allow = true;
                else if (rule.AccessControlType == AccessControlType.Deny)
                    Deny = true;
            return Allow && !Deny;

Monday, January 20, 2014

SQL Server Data Types

SQL Server > Data Types

A data type is an attribute that specifies the type of data that the object can hold.

Exact Numerics

XML exist XQuery SQL Server example

SQL Server > XML > Methods > exist()


          exist (XQuery)


  • 1 : XQuery expression in a query returns a nonempty result
  • 0 : XQuery expression in a query returns an empty result.
  • NULL : if target NULL.

Example: Find specific node in XML

.... you xml 

SELECT @data.exist('(//item1)') 'Item1 exists', @data.exist('(//item3)') 'Item3 exists'

Add computed column SQL Server

SQL Server > DDL > Alter > Add computed column

You can add computed column with AS keyword followed by your computed formula.
Note: the computed column cannot be updated!

     [hours] float,
     [rate]  float
ALTER TABLE #tmp ADD salary AS ([hours] * [rate])
INSERT INTO #tmp([hours], [rate])
SELECT 160, 10
SELECT 180, 12
--The column "salary" cannot be modified because it is either a computed column or is the result of a UNION operator.
--update  #tmp
--set salary = salary *1.14
drop table #tmp

SQL Server Catalog Views

SQL Server > Catalog Views

Catalog views return information that is used by the SQL Server Database Engine.
  • It is recommend that you query the catalog views instead of system tables
  • It is recommend using SELECT * FROM sys.catalog_view_name because the number of columns returned might change
List of catalog views:

Check the Status of E-Mail Messages SQL Server

SQL Server > Catalog Views > Database mail sysmail_faileditems

In this SQL example will find information about any emails could not send successfully.

SELECT fi.subject, fi.last_mod_date,lg.description

   dbo.sysmail_faileditems as fi
INNER JOIN dbo.sysmail_event_log AS lg
ON fi.mailitem_id = lg.mailitem_id

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Duration between two dates in SQL Server example

SQL Server > Built-In Functions > DATEDIFF

Returns the number of date and time boundaries crossed between two specified dates.


Duration between two dates in SQL Server example

  @date1 DATETIME
,@date2   DATETIME

  @date1 = getdate(),
   @date2  = dateadd(day,1,getdate()),
  @date2  = dateadd(minute,5,@date2)

  DATEDIFF(hh, @date1, @date2) as Hours,  
  DATEDIFF(mi,DATEADD(hh,DATEDIFF(hh, @date1, @date2),@date1),@date2) as Minutes
