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Thursday, November 14, 2013

Create new WCF Service Application Example

WCF > Create WCF application

Example: use WCF method to return connection string to windows forms application in order to protect discover sensitive data using decompiling software.

1. Create new WCF Service Application

Start New Project > WCF > WCF Service Application

Go to Web.config file and set directoryBrowse to false to avoid directory browsing.

<directoryBrowse enabled="false"/>

2. Add your own methods

Open IService1.cs and add method GetConnString method

     public interface IService1
        string GetData(int value);
        CompositeType GetDataUsingDataContract(CompositeType composite);

        // TODO: Add your service operations here

        string GetConnString(string username);

Open Service1.svc and add method GetConnString

    public string GetConnString(string username)
            string connstring = "Your connection string set in Wcf Service";
            // check user, etc
            return connstring;

Press F5 and than stop  debugging.
3. Create new Windows Form  Application in the same solution

Go to Service reference and add (press Discover button!)

Set this project as Start-up project in your solution.

Add the following code:

ServiceReference1.Service1Client sc = new ServiceReference1.Service1Client();

Run your application:

How to set a value of char to null?

C# > Char > Null value

char filter = '\0';

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

=> Operator (lambda)

C# > Operators > => Lambda Operator 

The => operator is called the lambda operator. 
It is used in lambda expressions to separate the input variables on the left side from the lambda body on the right side.
                   (input parameters) => expression
The parentheses are optional only if the lambda has one input parameter, otherwise they are required:
             (x, y) => x == y
Zero input parameters with empty parentheses:

                    () => MyMethod()


1. Power

delegate int Power(int i);

Power myDelegate = x => x * x;
int j = myDelegate(7); //j = 49


2. Lambda expressions in query

DataSet C#

C# > System.Data   > DataSet

DataSet represents an in-memory cache of data.
DataSet consists of a collection of DataTable objects.


SqlCommand C#

C# > Data > SqlCommand

SqlCommand is a Transact-SQL statement or stored procedure to execute against a SQL Server database.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

GridBoundColumn RadGrid Telerik

Telerik > RadGrid > GridBoundColumn

GridBoundColumn is bound to a field in a data source.



GridBoundColumn staticColumn = new GridBoundColumn();
staticColumn = new GridBoundColumn();
staticColumn.DataField = "Title";
staticColumn.HeaderText = "Title";

Sunday, November 10, 2013

DataTable C#

C# > System.Data   > DataTable

DataTable is a table in memory data.
When accessing DataTable objects in DataSet they are case sensitive.
We can display data from it  in controls such as DataGridView.


Columns:         collection of columns
Rows:              collection of rows
DefaultView:   customized view of the table that may include a filtered view, or a cursor position.


   Create a new DataTable   

    System.Data.DataTable table = new DataTable("myTable");

Other examples: